Whether we like it or not, tech is today the backbone of our society. The last two years have been […]
It is important for businesses to excel in the art of storytelling
Stories are an integral part of our lives. Stories move people. Stories influence people, help bring in social change. Stories […]
How to create a safe digital ecosystem for women where they can express themselves freely?
The digital revolution has opened up plenty of scope for women to express themselves but that also comes with a […]
Members of WICCI PR and Digital Marketing Council Discuss ‘Women and likeability’ on International Women’s Day
A discussion on women and likeability, which highlights a lot of issues concerning women on International Women’s Day.
Rishi Abichandani shares insights on hiring trends in communications industry
Media and communications industry faced a lot of unprecedented challenges like all other industries in last two years. The pandemic […]
Lloyd Mathias talks about Metaverse
More than just a virtual world, Metaverse is going to obliterate the physical limitations that we humans have. In this […]
Nakul Ghai speaks on reverse mentoring
Reverse mentoring is a good approach to leadership development. In this episode of Mrigashira, Nakul Ghai, Corporate Communications Specialist speaks […]
Anish Chandy and Mahesh Venkateswaran talks about their book challenge for 50 plus adults
You always wanted to write a book but never got time. You always felt that there is an audience out […]
Challenges faced by women in the marketing, communication sector and the first edition of The Women Leading Change Awards
In this episode of Mrigashira Raahil Chopra, Managing Editor Campaign India, Rashmi Vikram, Chief Equity Officer, APAC, Dentsu International, Radha […]
Anjana Menon talks about her new book ‘Onam In A Nightie’
What happens when a seasoned communication professional choses to use her craft in telling stories about the world that she […]