Podcast listener statistics and why they are important is key to creating an engaging, popular podcast show. Leveraging these statistics will allow you to strategize for success and even earn revenue from your podcast show.

There are more than 48 million episodes as of April 2021. To highlight the growth, Apple confirmed there were over 550,000 podcasts at WWDC 2018 in early June.

Podcast listener statistics:

Credit: The Infinite Dial 2020
  • 24% (68 million) people listen to podcasts weekly – up from 22% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20)
  • According to the Infinite Dial reports, 55% of the U.S. population had listened to a podcast ever; 37% had listened within the last month and 24% had listened within the last week.
  • 58% of south korean population listens to podcasts every month.
  • 49% of monthly U.S. podcast listeners in the age group of 12-34, and 40% between 35 and 54 years old, and 22% are aged over 55.
Credit: Infinite Dial 2020
  • 51 % Monthly podcast listeners also tend to work a full-time job, 28% have a university degree and 17% of whom have a household income between $100K-$150K.
  • The 25% of US people who listened to podcasts in the last week listened to an average of 6 hours and 39 minutes.
  • 35% people listen to more than 10 different shows per month

 Knowing the demographics of podcast listeners will surely help you to define success for your podcast. Leveraging these key stats on the podcast listeners, help your podcast capture and maintain a loyal listener base.

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