Charu Raizada talks to Udita Dutta, Founder Director, Artsmith Concepts & Visions on Celebrity Activism in light of Ronaldo and Coca Cola incident. Together they discuss if the celebrities possess superhuman powers of anti-advertising that the consumers are seeking.
Ronaldo’s call for drinking water may have got the global beverage giant to lose 4 billion dollars as speculated or as the supporters argue, the dip may have been a trigger because of many other factors. But the point here is that given the star footballer’s well known fitness regime, super-disciplined diet and his displeasure over his son’s affinity for carbonated drinks, should the organisers been more careful? Or were they trying their luck to please a megabucks sponsor?
As communicators what are the lessons learnt from this incident – Is there a growing consciousness amongst celebrities with regards to what they wish to be associated with? We ask our guest Udita Dutta, Founder Director at Artsmith Concepts & Visions.
This is the time when a brand also needs to let go of these archaic ways of brand placement thought processes
Udita Dutta
SKIP TO: 00:13 Skip the Mrigashira intro.
SKIP TO: 01:39 Skip the guest intro.
SKIP TO: 06:28 Skip to the quote.