Start-ups often struggle to determine the right timing to execute their marketing strategy. Digital marketing, as an important element of their brand building, gets even more complex because of its complex and fast paced nature. Sanjay O S, Lead, Digital Marketing, BYJU’s simplifies it to us in a conversation with Radha Radhakrishnan.
It is important for an entrepreneur venturing in digital marketing to understand the category the business will enter. A lot of content is available on Google, Facebook and YouTube to start with. According to Sanjay, the creation of a website is essential for the business because consumers these days tend to search for the products, they consider for purchase online and it is important for a brand to be discoverable. He further explains a thin line difference between data information that is used for user experience with his consent and the user’s data getting monetized for the benefit of the app which collected user’s data as a part of the terms and conditions.
When he started off with digital marketing, it was on a smaller scale with much more risk-taking opportunities, they were still exploring the consumer needs doing experiments and wanted to ensure that the message of the product reaches the consumer and satisfies them, as back then people were not so flexible spending money with a fulfilled trust in the brand. TV had a big impact on BYJU’s sales through its campaigns which were effectively measured by collecting data analytics for example the number of google searches, app installs etc.
It is very important for a business to be discoverable.
Sanjay O S
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