Radha Radhakrishnan has got interesting insights from industry veterans like Sonali Madbhavi, VP, Corporate Communications, Quikr; Jaideep Shergill, Founding Partner, Pitchfork Partners and Anshul Sushil, Co-founder and CEO, Wizikey on issues such as responsible advertising to technology intervention in regional PR and also how ‘saree’ made a woman more confident at workplace.

ASCI – Advertising Standard Council of India opted to hire a PR agency for the first time. What prompted this body to look out for a communication agency? We spoke to Jaideep Shergill of Pitchfork Partners, the agency which got the mandate, to get more insights into this development.

This episode also has an interesting conversation with Sonali Madbhavi, Communication Head, Quikr India on her fetish for sarees and how saree helped her create a unique identity for herself at the workplace.

Anshul Sushil of Wizikey talks about how technology is helping brands to penetrate deeper into the regional media. He also shares why visibility is a key requirement for all the brands.

SKIP TO: 00:25 Skip the Mrigashira intro.

SKIP TO: 00:47 Skip the guest intro.

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