Have you ever wondered if you should upload a podcast to YouTube? Growing a podcast boils down to this: put your stuff anywhere your audience will see it.

The Answer is YES

Yes, it would be great if everyone flocked to your website to listen to your episodes. But that isn’t how the web works. If you want a big audience, your podcast needs to be accessible. This is why it’s best practice to upload your show to as many podcast listening apps as possible like Spotify and iTunes. You can grow exponentially by leveraging multiple platforms.

Similarly, you should also publish your podcast to one of the biggest content repositories on the web, YouTube.

The life of a Podcaster is a life of fight: fight against the ugliness.

Even though YouTube isn’t a music platform, more people listen to audio content on YouTube than anywhere else. YouTube attracts 47% of all music streaming listening time around the world, according to the Music Consumer Insight Report. YouTube pays more than $1 billion to the music industry from ads each year.

Video Streaming Makes Up More Than Half Of On-Demand Streaming Time

The point here is that people don’t mind staring at an unchanging slide while they listen to something they enjoy. You don’t need video on YouTube to be successful. People are content to sit back and listen, or do other things, like take a walk, exercise, or surf on another browser tab.

If you upload a podcast to YouTube, you can more than double the size of your show’s digital footprint. It will give you exposure on a platform that billions of people browse every day. It’s a key way to let your audience consume your content wherever they are.